
Housing is a side activity in the game Wizard101. People can put down housing items, pets, and mounts, as well as garden in their houses. Some wizards ignore housing. Others use it to store extra items. But some wizards participate in the art of house decorating. Anyone can decorate, remember that. I used to be one of those people that only used a house to put excess items. I also thought that a good house meant buying tons of expensive housing items and arranging them in random order. Then I saw Paige Moonshade's houses, and was inspired. Now I have over 20 houses, ranging from dorm rooms to crafted houses. Houses come in many shapes and sizes, from the tiny Wizard City Dorm, to the massive Sun Palace. Each and every one can make for a great house. 

This blog was created by Malorn Ghostrider. Since then, many other great authors have added their thoughts to this blog, and helped it expand. Malorn Ghostrider has since left the community, and with him, he left this blog to Swordroll, to expand it, and teach others the fun that can be found in housing. Happy House Decorating!

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